Food Coaching & Reiki

The Holistic Health Guide - Creating a Healthy & Balanced Lifestyle


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The Holistic Health Guide:
Creating a Healthy & Balanced Lifestyle


You'll learn simple routines that you can apply straight away to help nourish your mind, body and spirit.

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A Balanced Mind. A Balanced Body.



The mind and body are intricately linked. What affects one impacts the other.


Balancing life in general can be difficult.


Your health and well-being are often the first things to be sacrificed or neglected.


Taking care of yourself is a necessary first step in order to live life more fully and to properly take care of others.



‘You can’t pour from an empty cup.’


When you’re well-rested, you don’t feel the need to snack as much the next day.

When your blood-sugar (glucose) levels are stable, you’re less irritable with those around you.

When you have a great relationship with those around you, small challenges that pop up don’t seem to be such a big deal.

When you’re flourishing, you raise the energy around you.



Life is simply…better!



Break free from unhealthy habits.



‘If not now, when?’






Hi! I’m Carmen and I’m a qualified Food Coach and Reiki Practitioner.


I help individuals take action to achieve their own personal health goals. Maybe you’ve been trying to eat healthy so you can have more energy, feel younger or some other reason, and it hasn’t worked for you. Maybe you’re brand new to the concept and don’t know where to start. I’ve got your back. I coach people, like you, to overcome barriers to achieving a healthier life!

Change isn’t easy. Knowing what to do is one thing. Implementing it is another matter.

This is where I come in, and I’d love to support you…


I take a holistic approach, meaning that I don't just focus on what people are eating. Instead, I look at their whole lifestyle, as everything is interconnected.



I help my clients identify & overcome their blocks to achieving their health goals; create a food/lifestyle strategy together (if required) & keep them accountable throughout their health journey!


TRUTH IS: Your success won't work unless you do!


You will be challenged! As a coach, I dig deep, ask questions and really 'stretch' your thinking so that you come up with your own answers and solutions in order to move forward. It won't be an easy process for you. You will be required to give 100% commitment, focus, and conscious participation to each session. You must do the work and I'll make sure that I keep you accountable.


Sounds tough? It is.


Making changes isn’t going to be easy but, hey, if you don’t start making changes now, then when?


I know it can be frightening. I’ve been there. I almost left it until it was too late and decided I needed to change whilst lying in a hospital bed! (Read more about it here.)


Whatever your reason for wanting to make changes, don’t leave it until it’s too late. Do something about it now.


I’m available to coach you if you’re ready to commit to making changes and taking action to move toward your goals.


Don’t continue down the same path you’ve always taken.




'If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got.'




Are you ready to make the change? Then take the first step toward a new path of a healthier you.


First step: Learn more of what food coaching involves here, and view the prices here.


Then, if you decide that you'd like to move forward, contact us and we’ll set up a free discovery call (of up to 15 minutes) to determine your readiness and whether I’m the right coach for you*. ​​



Now is the time to make a change to a healthier you!



*Note: If you believe that you’re not ready for coaching, but just need some help with dietary recommendations in order to improve your eating habits, then you may like to consider our E-Nourished package or Nourished Kick-Start package. (See prices)




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