It often becomes harder to manage your weight as you grow older. However, the reasons may be different than you think. A recent study challenges the conventional wisdom about metabolism throughout life.


According to a groundbreaking study at Duke University (USA), rather than slowing down in middle age, human metabolism seems to remain stable from 20 to 60.


That means you could be wasting time and money on expensive supplements and foods that claim to help you burn more calories. Try these suggestions, instead, for taking weight off and keeping it off after 40.


Increasing Muscle Mass


While your metabolism may remain strong for decades, your muscle mass starts decreasing sooner. The average adult loses about 3 to 5% every ten years after they turn 30. While some change is inevitable, slowing the process down can help you stay lean.


Try these tips:


  • Use resistance. The key to building strength is contracting your muscles against external resistance. Experiment with machines, free weights, and body weight exercises to see what works for you.


  • Intensive training. For quicker results, make your workout routine more intense. Use weights that allow you to just barely complete your last repetition.


  • Consume adequate protein. Current guidelines recommend getting 10 to 35% of your calories from protein, and many experts prefer the upper range. Some studies suggest that eating a protein-rich meal or snack within 2 hours after working out is especially helpful.


  • Schedule rest days. Your muscles grow while you’re recovering in between workouts. You can take it easy or do easier activities like going for a walk.


Other Tips for Losing Weight After 40


Aging affects your body weight in other ways too. Increases in insulin resistance lead to excess sugar being stored as fat. Hormonal changes play a role too, especially for women after menopause. Additionally, you may lead a more sedentary lifestyle as you get older.


Using these strategies can help:


1. Choose whole foods. Satisfy your hunger with natural foods rich in nutrients and fibre and low in added sugar and salt. Smart choices include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.


2. Drink water. It’s easy to confuse thirst with hunger. Staying hydrated will enhance your digestion and help you feel full.


3. Limit alcohol. Many types of alcohol contain a lot of empty calories and any alcohol can lower your resistance to junk food. If you choose to drink, then drink in moderation.


4. Sleep well. Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night is important for your overall wellbeing. Stick to a regular bedtime that allows you to wake up naturally feeling refreshed.


5. Weigh yourself. The average adult gains 1/2 to 1 kilo each year. Using a scale or tape measure at least once a week gives you the chance to make easy corrections.


6. Move your body. How many hours a day do you spend sitting down? In addition to regular exercise, whenever you’re at your desk or watching TV, take a break to stretch and walk around every half hour.


7. Enlist support. Changing your habits is easier when you have the support of your family and friends. Invite your loved ones to join you in preparing healthy meals at home and sticking to a workout plan.


8. See your health professional. If you need more help, talk to your health professional about your personal situation. For example, a thyroid screening can catch issues that cause weight gain, fatigue, and depression in many adults over 35.


Staying slim after 40 takes a bit of effort, but the benefits are huge. You lower your risk for many serious health conditions and increase your chances for living a long and active life.

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