When we hear about the immune system, most of us already know that we can strengthen our immune system with good quality sleep, exercise, healthy food, and certain supplements. However, did you know that how conscientious you are plays a role too?


Research has discovered that conscientious people have a naturally stronger immune system and live longer.


Being dependable and disciplined might help you to fight off disease and continue enjoying the activities you love. So, what does this all mean?


Get Organised


Other benefits of being conscientious include living a healthier lifestyle with less stress, higher productivity, and greater accomplishments. It starts with taking a purposeful and considered perspective on life.


Consider these strategies:


1. Set goals. Give yourself something to aim for each day. Make your goals specific, and it’s important that your goals are meaningful and realistic for you. Write down your goals to make them ‘real’ and it’s also a reminder of what you need to achieve.


2. Manage your time. Create a daily schedule. Planning ahead will help you to focus on your priorities and achieve more in less time.


3. Establish routines. Make smart choices and healthy habits automatic by adding structure to your days. Stick to an early bedtime. Cook meals at home instead of ordering out. Try meal planning to help you get into a routine. Perhaps do large, batch cooking on weekends and freeze portions so you don’t have to cook every day. Chop vegetables and keep them in sealed containers in the fridge, so veggies are prepped when you’re ready to cook and get meals on the table quickly.


4. Clear your clutter. A tidy environment reduces stress and saves time looking for paperwork, phone chargers, clothes, etc. Buy organising systems for your cupboards and drawers. Donate items that you no longer use.


5. Limit distractions. Find out where you’re wasting time. Reduce time you spend watching TV, social media and surfing the net.


6. Avoid multitasking. Studies show that focusing on one thing at a time is more efficient and increases the quality of your work. It’s also healthier for your brain.


7. Take advantage of technology. Invest in apps and devices that help you to complete your work faster and/or smarter. Use collaboration tools for work and programmable slow cookers at home. Automate tasks like backing up files and scheduling appointments.


8. Take action now. It’s time to end procrastination. Break big projects down into smaller steps. Address root causes like depression or perfectionism that may make it difficult for you to make decisions or take risks.


Honour Your Commitments


Being conscientious and reliable strengthens your relationships too. You’re likely to gain more influence and develop stable connections.


Try these techniques:


1. Practice gratitude. When you feel thankful, you’re more motivated to fulfill your obligations. Use a gratitude journal.


2. Persevere through obstacles. What happens when you suffer setbacks? If you’re tempted to give up, remember your purpose. Give yourself credit for trying. Take worthwhile risks and learn from experience.


3. Set boundaries. To stay on top of your to do list, be sure it’s realistic. Learn to turn down requests beyond your capacity instead of making excuses later. Take regular breaks to avoid burnout.


4. Be punctual. Show up on time for lunch dates and business meetings. Let others know that you value their time by not keeping them waiting. If you know you’re going to be late, be proactive and let them know, so they can decide how to respond.


5. Hold yourself accountable for your actions. Recognise that you are in charge of your decisions and accept the consequences of your actions. Apologise with sincerity when you slip up.



While it helps to work at becoming more disciplined, you may also like to know that time is on your side. Research shows that we tend to become more conscientious as we get older. But don’t use that as an excuse to not starting now! Use the power of being conscientious to help you stay healthy and live longer.